Tongue 't&[ng]

3:power of communication thru speech 4a:LANGUAGE b: manner / qual. of utterance w/ re:2 tone / sound, sense of what's expressed / speaker's intent. c:ecstatic usually unintelligible utterance accompanying religious excitation d:cry as if of a hound pursuing 5:tapering flame 7a:movable pin N a buckle b: metal ball suspended inside bell d:flap under lacing / buckles of shoe@throat of vamp 8a:rib on 1 edge of board that fits N2A corresponding groove N an edge of another board2make a flush joint

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Commodites Trading

Birth Certificate is a Bond traded on the Securities Exchange
"To be more specific, a second "negotiable instrument" is drawn on the value of the first that is held by the state, which is then bought and so "accepted for value" and then held by the Depository Trust Corporation"

"The original birth or naturalization record for every U.S. Citizen is on file in the official records in Washington, D.C. (you get to keep a copy!) and the property and assets of every living U.S. Citizen is pledged as collateral for the National Debt!"

The United States Remains a British Colony
"But, banksters being banksters, they wanted the whole enchilada. The British instigated for War through kidnapping American sailors and impressing them into the British Navy. The War of 1812 had begun."

Annual Report of the Receipts and Expenditures of the City of Concord John Komba

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