Tongue 't&[ng]

3:power of communication thru speech 4a:LANGUAGE b: manner / qual. of utterance w/ re:2 tone / sound, sense of what's expressed / speaker's intent. c:ecstatic usually unintelligible utterance accompanying religious excitation d:cry as if of a hound pursuing 5:tapering flame 7a:movable pin N a buckle b: metal ball suspended inside bell d:flap under lacing / buckles of shoe@throat of vamp 8a:rib on 1 edge of board that fits N2A corresponding groove N an edge of another board2make a flush joint

Saturday, November 03, 2012

SLT Corruption

FBI wants citizens to report government fraud 
"Gina Swankie, the FBI spokeswoman for the Lake Tahoe area who is based in Sacramento, said “people don’t know where to report things they observe....”
"South Lake Tahoe - it is a real dump -- what not to become. Avoid this place - don't support political corruption"

"Long said to Lake Tahoe News. “I think it would be better to get rid of the city.... Long should know all of this because when he was on the South Lake Tahoe City Council he was the city’s rep to LAFCo.
"Perhaps you should run a story on the misconduct of slednet and the on going internal investigation that local prosecuters are attempting to sweep under the rug. The victimization of women in our community begins where you’d never think to look."
Victim in South Tahoe fight dies; no arrests ever made

Our Tax Dollars at Work
 "A volunteer from a local church was tasked with driving Katello to a couple places in South Lake Tahoe. When he drove into the Barton Memorial Hospital area, where Katello said he had to meet someone, Katello took off on foot.

Sheriff’s deputies, South Lake Tahoe SWAT, a CHP airplane and K-9 units searched the meadow area behind Barton, where Katello was reportedly last seen, for hours, Van Arnum said.
Katello was in custody for spousal battery and making terrorist threats."

"The ATF had the nerve to serve him his termination papers in a Denny’s parking lot in South Lake Tahoe, CA."
"The people of South Lake Tahoe are not stupid and this latest coverup only demonstrates the level of corruption that has come to infect our city council."
– Forget about redevelopment and focus on basic services.
– Hire an outside accounting firm to perform a forensic audit of the city’s finances.
– Stop aggravating tourist with aggressive enforcement of traffic and parking ordinances.
– Stop squandering money on studies, consultants and tourist promotions.
– Stop retiring city officials at 100 percent of their salary.
– Stop hiring new city officials with astronomically high salaries and benefits.
– Stop electing city council members who don’t believe in free markets, personal freedom or private property.
Robert Yetter   So Lake Tahoe
Posted: 06:56 am [PST] on June 11 2011
What you have is a modern day crime syndicate in a star chamber enviroment of corruption. I applaud your efforts and pray for the efforts of ordinary citizens and whistle blowers to remedy the situation.


Blogger 4L1071$ said...

12:02 PM  
Blogger 4L1071$ said...

12:07 PM  
Blogger 4L1071$ said...

"The organization no longer works with batterers who seek or are court-appointed to receive assistance or counseling."

4:26 AM  
Blogger 4L1071$ said...

"South lake Tahoe Fire Chief ??? (South Lake Tahoe)
You hired Jeff Meston? What are you thinking? Novato Ca. had him for a while. Seems he was money hungry, had a girl friend on the side, got her a job, then she sued for sexual harassment. They stopped training at their drill tower in favor of watching training video's on TV all afternoon. The firemen rejected the idea after 6 months, of sleeping all day and no training. Promoted a perpetually demoted medic to engineer, let him go to san diego on a large campaign fire where he was burnt to death. Its sad, but I wouldn't have let him fight fire outside of Novato. Lots of very bad decisions, likeable guy, don't turn your back on him...good luck."
Location: South Lake Tahoe
Posting ID: 4115427855 Posted: 2013-10-07, 12:45PM PDT Updated: 2013-10-14, 6:31AM PDT

4:29 AM  
Blogger 4L1071$ said...

"Sex Offenders, Convicted Felons Snagged in Contractors State License Board Statewide Sting. California Blitz highlights serious risks consumers take when hiring unlicensed contractors.
Placerville Newswire | Oct 15 2013
The eight from South Lake Tahoe were part of 75 contractors caught in the stings."

4:38 AM  

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